It’s where the rich use public transport."
Enrique Peñalosa, mayor of Bogotá
Priority Ask: Enable the existence of Regional Transportation Authorities that
allocate at least 50% of their funds to public transit.
The Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance is a coalition of transit advocates and transit advocacy organizations. Transit agencies tend to be local, but are impacted in multiple ways by state-level policy and finance. We in turn ally ourselves to voice a state level message: We want more and better local transit service and amenities (paratransit, shared-ride taxi, vans, buses, streetcars, rail) and more and better intercity bus and train service and amenities.
A variety of transportation options, including good transit, should be available so people and businesses can consider convenience, time, health, accessibility, sustainability, safety and cost when choosing how to travel. Good public transit supports the dignity and freedom of all individuals, creates an open, hospitable and welcoming community, respects the environment, opens economic opportunity to all and moves people to where they need to go.
Page Last Updated March 12, 2025

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