The Milwaukee Transit Riders Union calls for a high quality mass transit system in the Milwaukee area that efficiently responds to the needs of all of its users in a way that respects their individual dignity. We call for public transit for and by the people who use it.

We demand

  • A world class bus system in metro Milwaukee with 24-hour service on main routes, fast and convenient county-wide express service, and access to employment centers in suburban areas.
  • “Fair” fares within the means of students, low-income, elderly, and disabled people.
  • A decrease in highway spending to create a 50/50 highway-transit split in the Wisconsin State Transportation Fund, and civil rights reviews of any changes in this funding structure.
  • A fully clean fuel, low emissions bus fleet in Milwaukee County to replace the current diesel fleet. Up to date route and schedule information available at stops system-wide.
  • Public input at all stages of the decision making process. This includes:
    • Hearings with advance notice at locations and times accessible for working transit riders in advance of any service changes.
    • A clear and publicly available organizational structure for the Milwaukee County Transit System with names and contact information for all department heads.
    • A Citizens’ Advisory Committee fully empowered to oversee all transit operations in Milwaukee County.
  • That all increases in transit service be designed to meet the needs of transit dependent populations.
  • Respect for the working conditions of our bus drivers, and their right to unionize and bargain collectively.