This year, WTRA will host a few informal events where we can talk and share experiences about different aspects of public transportation.
For our first event, on Thursday, April 4 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., we’ll talk about microtransit and the Coalition Against Predatory Microtransit with Joshua Hatton of No Bus Cuts Denton. View their presentation at our March 11 Annual Meeting here.
Microtransit is a newish term to describe public transportation services that use small, multipassenger vehicles to offer on-demand rides with flexible schedules and routes sometimes operated by private, for-profit corporations using non-union labor. Read more about it here.
The promise of microtransit is faster, more convenient service, but there are many other issues that need to be considered, including environmental consequences of adding more small vehicles to our streets, the implications of paying for-profit, private firms for public services, the sustainability of a service that can only serve a few riders at a time, how microtransit affects transit workers, service and safety records, and more.
If you are concerned about existing or planned (or discussed) microtransit services in your community, join us to talk about the issue and hear more about what we can do together.
You must register here to get the link to join:

Predatory MicroTransit harms workers, riders, the community, and the environment.