Imagine a world where driving is neither an option nor necessary for living a good life in Wisconsin. Would that change the way you view transportation? America Walks created a Week Without Driving challenge for the week of Sept. 30-Oct. 6 in 2024 so that those who have the option to drive can learn firsthand about the barriers and challenges that non-drivers face. What if communities in Wisconsin were accessible to all?
An estimated 31 percent of Wisconsin’s population does not drive, including aging adults, youth, low-income individuals, people with disabilities, and those who prefer not to drive. Yet many public facilities including governmental offices, and even hospitals and clinics, can only be reached by automobile. The challenge is designed to bring more awareness and understanding to leaders and the general public about how the lack of adequate transportation can impact people’s ability to work, access education and childcare, see doctors, make it to appointments, and procure goods, services, recreation, and entertainment.
Be an inspiration to others and sign up at America Walks’ special website. Ask others to sign up too, both community leaders and the general public. People can use this template to help keep track of their movements. Many Week Without Driving participants try to take public transit, ask for or pay for rides, walk, roll, scoot or bike for everything but sometimes end up driving for something anyway. That is the point. At least they can then consider what they would have had to do without if they did not drive.
America Walks has provided some resources that we are happy to pass along. One is a general image that you may wish to use when announcing the challenge along with this possible text. Or perhaps you might prefer a small or larger flyer. There are also full page illustrated flyers on how families can participate and on how parents can participate. More is coming.